Halo, sobat DEB!
Yuk, ikutan Lomba Essay Mahasiswa Nasional berhadiah, dengan tema “Kreatifitas dan Inovasi dalam Era Multi Disrupsi”
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AnnouncementBeritaBeritaKemahasiswaanNewsPengumuman Thursday, 13 April 2023
Halo, sobat DEB!
Yuk, ikutan Lomba Essay Mahasiswa Nasional berhadiah, dengan tema “Kreatifitas dan Inovasi dalam Era Multi Disrupsi”
Syarat dan ketentuan tertera di poster ya!!
Daftar dan submit essay kamu di link
bit.ly/EssayKadegama read more
AnnouncementInfo AkademikPengumuman Thursday, 13 April 2023
AnnouncementInfo AkademikPengumuman Wednesday, 5 April 2023
AnnouncementBeritaBeritaInfo AkademikPengumuman Thursday, 30 March 2023
[Sosialisasi KBMK 2023]
Halo Mahasiswa UGM🙌🏼
Kompetisi Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Ilmu Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan (KBMK) kini hadir kembali dengan 5 kategori kompetisi, yaitu
1. Perencanaan Bisnis
2. Riset Investasi
3. Audit Investigatif
4. Karya Tulis Ilmiah
5. Komersialisasi Riset dan Teknologi Tepat Guna read more
AnnouncementInfo AkademikPengumuman Thursday, 16 March 2023
AnnouncementInfo AkademikPengumuman Thursday, 16 March 2023
BeritaBeritaInfo AkademikPengumuman Wednesday, 15 March 2023
Aplikasi Peminjaman Ruang pinjamruangdeb.ugm.id
Langkah pertama Dengan Cara Membuat Akun Pendaftaran terlebih dahulu di https://um.ugm.ac.id/pendaftaran/public/index.php
Lihat Tahapan Pembuatan Akun Pendaftaran Selengkapnya melalui Dokumen Petunjuk Tahapan Pembuatan Akun PENDAFTARAN.PDF
Info lengkap mengenai Syarat dan Ketentuan pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru dapat dilakukan melalui web um.ugm.ac.id
This study investigated the cause of significant variance in the revenue budget realization of Other Non-Tax State Revenues (NTSRs) in ministries and agencies in Indonesia. This study employed a qualitative research approach by conducting in-depth interviews with 13 informants from relevant authorities, followed by some document analyses. The results discovered that the causes of the variance in revenue budget from Other NTSR of State Ministries and Agencies could be divided into three: 1) uncontrolled factors, covering difficulty predicting certain NTSR types, external factors, unexpected service requests, and political factors; 2) controlled factors, including mapping of potential revenue, the tendency of dysfunctional behavior (budgetary slack, cherry-picking, myopia, ratchet), expenditure resource dilemma, lack of human resources capacity and capability, and poor supervision of NTSR planning; and 3) regulation/policy changes from upper-level authority. This study fills a gap in identifying factors that trigger government budget variance problems on other NTSRs that often occur in developing countries such as Indonesia. This study also adds insight into how agency problem patterns occur at the ministry and agency level in budgeting practices. Keywords: Non-Tax State Revenues, Budgeting, Ministries, Agencies, Variance, Dysfunctional Behaviour
Abdul Halim, Prof., Dr., M.B.A., Ak., CA., – Why are the Other Non-Tax State Revenue Budget Variances in Ministries and Agencies in Indonesia Large? Any Dysfunctional Behaviour?
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