Waktu | : | Thursday, 13 March 2025 |
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan gelar CMA tanpa harus ke Australia dengan mengikuti Workshop dan Ujian Sertifikasi CMA yang diadakan oleh Program Magister Akuntansi (MAKSI) FEB UGM, bekerjasama dengan Institute of Certified Management Accountant (ICMA) Australia.
Materi Workshop:
- Strategic Cost Management
- Management Control Systems
- Lean Manufacturing Quality Control
- Cost Accounting and Cost Management in a Lean Environment
- Life Cycle Costing Systems
- Benchmarking
- Activity Based Cost Allocation Systems
- Customer Profitability Analysis
- Process Control and Analysis and Control Systems
- Implementing Cost Analysis and Control Systems
- Strategic Performance Management Systems
- Emerging Issues 1: Triple Botton Line Accounting and Carbonomics
- Emerging Issues 2: Governance, Empowerment and Strategic Audit
- Strategic Bussiness Analysis
- Corporate Objectives, Strategy and Structure
- Strategic Marketing Analysis and Budgeting
- Financial Analysis in Product Portofolio Management
- Pricing Methods and Strategies
- Financial Dimensions of Princing in International Bussiness Strategies
- Promotion: Full Strategy and Human Integrated Marketing Communications
- Supply Chain Management and the Place-Distribution Decisions
- Performance Valuation and Strategic Financial Structures
- Free Cash Flows and Strategic Value Analysis
- Risk Management – Coeporate Radar and Early Warning Systems
- Strategic Scorecards and Key Performance Indicators
Jadwal dan Kontribusi Workshop:
- Jakarta
- Pelaksanaan:
- 4-16 Juni 2012
- 12-24 November 2012
- Waktu: 08.00 s.d. 18.00 wib.
- Biaya:
- Individu: Rp. 15jt/orang
- Group: Rp. 12jt/orang (min. 3 orang)
- Pelaksanaan:
- Yogyakarta
- Pelaksanaan:
- 21-26 Mei 2012
- 8 -13 Oktober 2012
- Waktu: 08.00 s.d. 18.00 wib.
- Biaya:
- Individu: Rp. 10jt/orang
- Group: Rp. 8jt/orang (min. 3 orang)
- Pelaksanaan:
- Modul
- Snack & Lunch
- Ujian CMA Australia
Download Brosur Workshop Sertifikasi CMA
Calon peserta Workshop Sertifikasi CMA yang sudah melakukan pembayaran dan atau sudah mengirimkan bukti transfer ke Bagian Admisi MAKSI, akan masuk ke dalam status telah terdaftar di Reservasi Acara.